Presentations @ SwiNOG #32

IP-Fabrics Reloaded
Jörg Ammon Extreme NetworksPresentation
Free Range Routing or how we ditched OSPF for BGP unnumbered (based on RFC5549)
Manuel Schweizer cloudscale.chPresentation
Network Unit Testing with SaltStack
Urs Baumann INS - Institute for Networked SolutionsPresentation
colt onDemand – from visions in 2012 to reality in 2017
Andreas Glag ColtPresentation
SwissIX Update
Manuel Schweizer SwissIXPresentation
Flowmon DDoS Defender
Pavel Minařík FlowmonPresentation
if (network == server) { magic happens }
Attilla de Groot cumulusnetworksPresentation
Introduction to LoRaWAN
Christian Mäder Presentation
Piranha: where all the fishy routes meet…
Pascal Gloor Presentation
Update – and
Markus Meier Communityrack.orgPresentation
BGP LLGR – draft-uttaro-idr-bgp-persistence
Vincent Bernat Presentation
Romain Aviolat Presentation

Sponsors of SwiNOG #32

Extreme Networks
Platinum Sponsor
Event Sponsor